Perry & Neblett’s attorneys David Avellar Neblett, Esq. B.C.S., James Mahaffey, Esq., and Mellisa Palau, Esq. won another jury Trial in Miami, Florida. The case involved a plumbing loss that insurer Tower Hill had denied.
Homeowner clients of Perry & Neblett prevailed and received a winning jury verdict for the full amount of the estimate/demand provided. This was a weeklong in person Trial where everyone wore masks for the entire Trial. Tower Hill Signature Insurance Company, was represented by attorneys Michael Monteverde and Paul Vickery from a well-established insurance defense firm, Zinober, Diana & Monteverde P.A., that tries cases throughout Florida.
The verdict form shows the complex burden shifting and Defenses Tower Hill asserted to deny the claim and argued should result in a defense verdict. Tower Hill is no stranger to fighting its own policyholders and will make any argument and go to extreme measures to get out of paying claims.
This jury awarded our clients the full amount of their estimate. I am very happy to be associated with attorneys passionately working to take cases to a jury trial rather than settle for pennies on the dollar.
This was a great win for our team and more importantly for our clients. This was truly justice and the jury got this one right and gave our clients everything that was demanded.
While we have an excellent record at Trial and winning cases for our clients, just trying cases and fighting the good fight is half the battle.
#PerryNeblett #InsuranceLossLawyers #TrialLawyers #BeatTowerHill #DavidNeblett #TrialWin #BadFaith
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